Concepts of Conversation Tutoring
feeling welcome and comfortable
respect and trust
building self-esteem
positive reinforcement
let people talk about themselves
finding commonality
building on interests
connecting with Canadians and Canadian culture
finding interesting topics
Challenges and Solutions
Ss not speaking English at home – suggest
specific English only time at home (eg. supper)
overcoming nervousness – share personal
independent activities – reward/praise
get all to speak – learn about them; find
beginners – pair with other learners, pictures,
start where they are
idioms – teach them; don’t use too many
learners interpreting for others – separate
them, encourage independence
getting people to talk – individual attention
learners speaking too fast – slow down please!
integrate into community – newspapers
new and interesting ideas – from other tutors,
students prefer not to move around the room –
don’t do too much
Conversation Card Game
Icebreakers to get started
product labels
books on English idioms
audio of music
make a crossword/wordsearch
Ss bring photos (phone, Ipad)
Easy Reading for ESL beginners web-site
Westcoast Reader
sitting around a table better than just a circle
of chairs
English songs
role playing
label items at home for beginners
watch TV with captions or sub-titles
crossword made for the learner
cut up words to make sentences
send email when away on vacation
grammar activities
real life experience conversation
keep it simple
newspaper cartoons
bring in real objects to talk about