Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Word Forms are Important

 A common challenge for ESL learners is using the incorrect word form.  For example:
  • My brother is very success.  (noun instead of adjective)
  • We immigrant last year.  (noun instead of verb)
Being aware of the function of words is a start.  Ask “what does the word DO”?  If it is a person, place or thing, it is a noun.  If it is the action word, it is a verb.  If it describes a noun, it must be an adjective.  If it modifies a verb or adjective, it’s an adverb.  Brush up on the parts of speech yourself or direct your learner to:
Growing Vocabulary
Encourage learners to make word form lists.  One word can help them learn many new words.  For example:  employ, employer, employee, employment, unemployed, employable, self-employed.  They can look for sentences with each form in an on-line dictionary or search engine, such as  Read the sentences aloud and write them out.  Assign homework to write sentences with each word form.
Teach self-editing of word forms.  “He is a ____ worker.”  This must be an adjective to describe worker, so use “He is a confident worker,” not “He is a confidence worker.”
Learn to use the same word forms in a list.  Here are some examples of word forms on a resume:

  • I am experienced, confidence and reliable.  (incorrect - two adjectives and one noun)
  • I am experienced, confident and reliable.  (correct – all adjectives)

  • 5 years experience in customer service, sell software and team player (incorrect)
  • 5 years experience in customer service, software sales and teamwork (correct)
Increasing and improving vocabulary use is vital in language learning.  “Without vocabulary, you have nothing.”