It’s important to check that our learner understands us as
well as the material we’re working with.
Here are a few ideas:
Don’t assume knowledge.
Start at the beginning. For example, your learner says he has to
write a paragraph about his weekend. Ask
“What is a paragraph?” or “What is the weekend?”
Check vocabulary. Does your learner know the words you’re
· Ask your learner to summarize what you have
said. “Please tell me what this means.”
“Can you tell me what we learned in your own words?”
Quiz your learner on information you have
covered together.
Ask the learner to explain the topic to you as
if you were the learner and he was the tutor.
Ask probing questions to expand the topic and
you may find he doesn’t get the basics.
If appropriate, draw a diagram of what he’s
Use reinforcement. “That’s great! Now you understand!”