Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Check our learner's comprehension

It’s important to check that our learner understands us as well as the material we’re working with.  Here are a few ideas:

·       Don’t assume knowledge.
·       Start at the beginning.  For example, your learner says he has to write a paragraph about his weekend.  Ask “What is a paragraph?” or “What is the weekend?”
Check vocabulary.  Does your learner know the words you’re using?

·     Ask your learner to summarize what you have said. “Please tell me what this means.”  “Can you tell me what we learned in your own words?”

·       Quiz your learner on information you have covered together.

·       Ask the learner to explain the topic to you as if you were the learner and he was the tutor.

·       Ask probing questions to expand the topic and you may find he doesn’t get the basics.

·       If appropriate, draw a diagram of what he’s learning.

·       Use reinforcement.  “That’s great!  Now you understand!”