Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Job Interview Readiness

A job interview is nerve-racking for most of us; for an English learner it can be a terrifying prospect!  If your learner is looking for work, you can help prepare him/her.

·       Ask your learner to find job postings of interest and go through them together.  Discuss the vocabulary and various aspects of the job. 

·       Research the company further, if possible. 

·       How does one apply for the position?  Does your learner have a resume and know how to write a cover letter?

·       Has your learner visited WorkBC for help?  Check their web-site at

·       Questions that interviewers ask can be very different in Canada than other cultures.  Discuss this with your learner, and then perform a role play.  Start with a few simple questions and do something more difficult the next session.  Check out the samples and resources at

·       Share about your own experience in the job market.  Encourage and have fun!